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- prairie seer
- Posty: 2851
- Oklaski: 87
- Otrzymane podziękowania: 650
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- Preryjny
- Wylogowany
- Platynowy forowicz
- prairie seer
- Posty: 2851
- Oklaski: 87
- Otrzymane podziękowania: 650
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- Preryjny
- Wylogowany
- Platynowy forowicz
- prairie seer
- Posty: 2851
- Oklaski: 87
- Otrzymane podziękowania: 650
The four-year cumulative duration rule will no longer apply to temporary foreign workers in Canada, effective immediately. The cumulative duration rule, known as the “four-in, four-out” rule, was put in place in April 2011, limiting work for some temporary foreign workers in Canada to four years who then became ineligible to work in Canada for the next four years.
For those temporary foreign workers who do not currently have access, the Government is committed to further developing pathways to permanent residency so that eligible applicants are able to more fully contribute to Canadian society. Work on this issue continues.
The Government will require low-wage employers, where appropriate, to advertise to more than one, and up to four, under-represented groups in the workforce—youth, persons with disabilities, Indigenous people and newcomers.
The Government will maintain the cap on the proportion of low-wage temporary foreign workers that can be employed at a given worksite at 20 percent for employers who accessed the Program prior to June 20, 2014, and at 10 percent for new users of the Program after that date. The exemption on the cap for seasonal industries seeking temporary foreign workers for up to 180 days during the 2017 calendar year will be extended until December 31, 2017.
I jeszcze w kwestii TFW i dla tych wszystkich , ktorzy pytaja o LMIA:
Labour trafficking prevalent in Edmonton: report
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